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Codice Prodotto (UPC)ASM9666
Tipologia prodottoGioco da Tavolo
Marca Asterion - Asmodee
Autore Tony Fanchi
Durata Media 180
Età 14+
Lingua Italiano
Massimo Giocatori 6
Minimo Giocatori 3
EAN 3558380018582
Numero di recensioni 1

Descrizione prodotto

Insondabili è un Gioco da Tavolo in Italiano di Tony Fanchi edito da Asmodee Italia.

Insondabili è un gioco per 3-6 giocatori della durata di circa 180 minuti raccomandato da 14 anni in su.

Il battello a vapore Atlantica è sulla rotta per Boston, ma delle ombre oscure si stanno addensando sotto la superficie dell’acqua. I passeggeri, come ipnotizzati, fissano le onde con uno sguardo silenzioso e colmo di disperazione. Il tuo sonno è tormentato da inquietanti incubi subacquei… e una passeggera è appena stata assassinata.
Sospetti, lealtà segrete e subdole strategie regnano incontrastati sull’Atlantica! Insondabili metterà te e i tuoi amici al comando di un battello a vapore del 1913, ma farai meglio a non fidarti di nessuno. Mentre i mostruosi abitatori del profondo emergono dagli abissi imperscrutabili, gli altri giocatori potrebbero gettare la maschera e rivelarsi dei malvagi cultisti o degli orridi ibridi dei figli di Dagon. Non voltare le spalle a nessuno! Avrai bisogno di tutta la tua astuzia per salvare la nave da una tomba abissale.
Lotta contro le orde di abitatori del profondo, smaschera i traditori e conduci l’Atlantica al sicuro in Insondabili!

Carte e Bustine Protettive:

86 carte - misura 57,5x89

205 carte - misura 41x63

19 carte - misura 103x128

Descrizione BGG:

The year is 1913. The steamship SS Atlantica is two days out from port on its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Its unsuspecting passengers fully anticipated a calm journey to Boston, Massachusetts, with nothing out of the ordinary to look forward to. However, strange nightmares plague the minds of the people aboard the ship every night; rumors circulate of dark shapes following closely behind the ship just beneath the waves; and tensions rise when a body is discovered in the ship's chapel, signs of a strange ritual littered around the corpse.

Lurking within the depths of the Atlantic Ocean are a swarm of vicious, unspeakable horrors: the Deep Ones, led by Mother Hydra and Father Dagon. For reasons unknown, they have set their sights on the Atlantica, and their minions, taking the form of human-Deep One hybrids, have infiltrated the steamship to help sink it from within. Each game of Unfathomable has one or more players assuming the role of one of these hybrids, and how well they can secretly sabotage the efforts of the other players might mean the difference between a successful voyage and a sunken ship.

If you're a human, you need to fend off Deep Ones, prevent the Atlantica from taking too much damage, and carefully manage the ship's four crucial resources if you want any hope of making it to Boston, all while trying to figure out which of your fellow players are friends and which are foes. Everyone shares the same resource pool, but humans will try to preserve them while traitors will strive to subtly deplete them. Being able to tell when someone is purposefully draining the group's resources is harder than you think, especially when you take crises into account!

At the end of each player's turn, that player must draw a mythos card. Each of these cards represents a crisis that the whole group must try to resolve together. Some of these crises, such as "Food Rationing", call for a choice that could potentially put the ship's passengers or resources at risk, while others, such as "Hull Leak", call for a skill test in which failure could have disastrous consequences.

During a skill test, each player contributes skill cards from their hand to a face-down pile shared by the group. Once everyone has contributed (or chosen not to), the cards are shuffled, then revealed. If enough of the correct skills were contributed, then the group passes the test! But if the wrong skills were contributed, they can actually hinder the results, leading to failure. Thus, skill tests are dangerous opportunities for traitors to sabotage the humans' efforts, so you have to stay on your toes at all times.

Recensioni clienti

  1. Combo incredibile!

    Battle Galactica con ambientazione Chthulhu mamma mia!

    Recensito da MM Staff Staff it Mercoledì 13 Ottobre 2021 12:07 | Permalink

    2 su 3 clienti lo hanno trovato utile

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